
On behalf of the Local Organising Committee and the Scientific Program Committee, it is our pleasure to invite you to participate to the 45th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB45), taking place in Thessaloniki Greece, at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall on 21 to 25 July 2024.
ISCB Conferences are open to statisticians, clinicians, epidemiologists and members of other disciplines working or interested in the field of clinical biostatistics, and you will see various disciplinary fields, professional ranks, and career stages represented.
The three Main Conference Programme days (Monday-Wednesday) are lively and interactive, consisting namely of abstract contributions of delegates, as well as focused topics delivered by world renowned experts in the invited sessions. The first day of the Conference (Sunday) is actually dedicated to Pre-Courses, with attendance limitations to ensure efficient didactic results. Finally, on the last day of the Conference (Thursday) we host our Mini-Symposia, as well as the Early Career Biostatisticians Day.
The ISCB takes a strong view on ethnic, gender, geographical, disciplinary and career stage diversity, and makes every possible effort to ensure that this is reflected in the program, and the participants. Significantly reduced fees are available to delegates from developing countries, as well as students. We give special attention to early career professionals, as the ISCB organisation includes an Early Career Biostatisticians subcommittee, entrusted among other mandates with the task of organising a dedicated forum on the final day of the Conference.
Networking opportunities are also offered, in the Students Networking Event (day 1), the Welcome Reception (day 2), the Excursions offered at a small fee (day 3), and of course the Conference Dinner (day 4).
The ISCB45 Conference format will be hybrid, to enable participants to follow parallel tracks of scientific content offered for post-viewing through our dedicated platform after completion of the event. To realise diversity in participation, we have kept the registration fees low and offer Student and Scientists Awards, but also a number of travel grants for active participants from low- and middle-income countries through the Conference Fund for Developing Countries support scheme.
We look forward to having you on board and to welcoming you to Thessaloniki in July 2024.

Vana Sypsa
ISCB45 LOC Chair

Giota Touloumi
ISCB45 SPC Chair
to be announced
to be announced