Instructions for Session Chairs, Speakers & Oral Communication Presenters

All Conference session halls are equipped with the following:

– Projector & 16:9 screen (also suitable for 4:3 presentations)

– Chairs’ table and microphones

– Lectern with laptop, wireless microphone & laser pointer

– Audience microphones for discussion purposes

No personal computers will be allowed.

All presentations should be handed in at the Speakers’ Preview Desk (CR-2 Hall) latest two (2) hours prior to the respective session, or the day before for early morning presentations. We strongly advise presenters to check their presentations well in advance, to ensure content is depicted according to their wishes.

The Speakers’ Preview Desk will be operating throughout Conference dates, according to the below schedule:

SUNDAY               21 July           08:30-18:00

MONDAY             22 July           08:30-17:30

TUESDAY             23 July           08:30-14:00

WEDNESDAY       24 July           08:30-18:00

THURSDAY          25 July           08:30-12:00

Chairs, Speakers and Oral Contributed presenters should be close to the stage and ready for the session at least 15 minutes before its beginning, to check their presence. Chairs are allocated at the panel desk, where fixed microphones will be provided to facilitate their assignment.
Chairs are advised to be alert and observe time allocation, as they are responsible for the smooth running of their session and the overall programme flow. Two cards will be provided for the Chairs’ use, in order to prompt speakers and presenters that their time is almost over: a yellow card indicating 5 minutes are left and a red card indicating that 1 minute is left.
Please make note that the SPC has decided each oral contributed presentation is allocated 18 minutes: 15 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A. The programme already printed unfortunately does not reflect this unified format decided; please consult the App and e-version of the programme for time-slot and presentation order. All Chairs are to observe the same rule and make sure each presenter is given their 15 minutes presentation time, followed directly by 3 minutes of discussion (and not at the end of each session, as indicated in the printed programme). If there are no questions, Chairs should be prepared to discuss for the 3-minute slot allocated to each presentation.
Important note: Chairs are kindly requested not to change the order of presentations during each session, as delegates will not be able to plan ahead the talks they will attend. In case of a non-show, Chairs should be prepared to fill in the time slot with discussion time and should not move to the next presentation. The Scientific Programme Committee kindly requests that you also inform the Secretariat Desk (after your session is over) of any non-shows, as this item is reported to the ISCB after each Conference and affects any presentation certification requested.

Instructions for Poster Presenters

Posters will be displayed in tracks, being mounted and dismounted in the respective date and time.

Mounting date & time:

Poster Sessions Group A (Sessions A-01 to A-10): Sun 21 Jul @ 17:00-18:00 & Mon 22 Jul @ 08:00-09:00

Poster Sessions Group B (Sessions B-01 to B-12): Tue 23 Jul @ 12:30-13:30 & Wed 24 Jul @ 08:00-09:00

Display date & time:

Poster Sessions Group A (Sessions A-01 to A-10): Mon 22 Jul from 09:00 to 17:00

Poster Sessions Group B (Sessions B-01 to B-12): Wed 24 Jul from 09:00 to 17:00

Dismounting date & time:

Poster Sessions Group A (Sessions A-01 to A-10): Tue 23 Jul @ 08:00-09:00

Poster Sessions Group B (Sessions B-01 to B-12): Wed 24 Jul @ 17:30-18:30

Posters printing specifications: A0 dimension – Portrait (vertical) orientation (maximum 84 cm horizontal x 120 cm vertical)

Presenters are reminded to bring their printed posters to the Conference venue. No printing service will be provided on site. The conference staff will provide materials for fixing posters to boards. The mounting and dismounting schedule will be strictly observed. The ISCB45 Conference will bear no responsibility for posters not mounted / dismounted according to the aforementioned schedule; any posters not removed as instructed will be discarded without further notice.

e-Poster PDF file

All poster presenters have been asked to provide an electronic version of their posters. The electronic versions of all the posters will be available throughout Conference dates, as well as during the post-viewing period, at the Virtual Platform e-Poster Gallery. Once accessing each separate e-Poster in the platform gallery. There will be no option to present an e-poster through the ISCB45 platform.